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Bhutan might not be a nation with the largest population in Asia but it sure has some of the most colorful festivals each year. These community-based celebrations mark several historic ad religious occasions in this mountainous nation. Following the lunar calendar, there is no fixed date for most Bhutanese festivals. However, almost every month here is a time of different celebrations and festivals that travelers can be a part of. Being a majority Buddhist nation, festivals of Bhutan reflects the devotion and spiritual beliefs the locals have been passed from one generation to another.

Here are the top festivals in Bhutan every traveler can experience and enjoy.

  1. Thimphu Tshechu

Tshechus is the major Bhutanese festival celebrated almost throughout the nation. It simply represents the birthday of the Great Guru Rinpoche, on the tenth day of the month in a Lunar Calendar. While different major cities in Bhutan celebrate this festival in different ways, Thimphu has one of the biggest gathering of the locals for the celebration of Tshechu.

  1. Jambay Lhakhang Drup Festival

Jambay Lhakhang Drup Festival is another colorful festival held at the Jambay Lhakhang temple in Bumthang. On the premises here of these three days celebration masked dances and rituals take place representing the major occurring of the Bhutanese history and Buddhist legends.

  1. Wangdue Phodrang Tshechu Festival

It is one of the several Tshechus in Bhutan celebrated throughout the region of Wangdue Phodrang. This festival is unique for ornamental songs and speeches are known as Lozeys. Similarly, the unfurling of massive paintings of Guru Tshengye Thongdrol is also fantastic to look at at the end.

  1. Punakha Drubchen Festival

For art lovers and those interested in the history and culture of Bhutan, the Punakha Drubchen festival is sublime. The festivals alongside other celebrations recreate the Bhutanese war with the Tibetan army in the 17th century. It shares the message of hope and happiness paying tribute to the common people of this nation.

  1. Matsutake Festival

The Matsutake festival might not be the biggest here but it is a unique and delightful experience for travelers to Bhutan. Matsuke showcases the local village lifestyle of the Bhutanese people in the Ura Valley.

  1. Paro Tshechu

Paro Tshechu is often considered the biggest religious festivals in Bhutan. The festival is celebrated in multiple phases with each phase showcasing an array of several fantastic components to enjoy. Different age-old customs, rituals, and traditional celebrations attract visitors from all around the world to Paro during this festival.

  1. Jomolhari Mountain Festival

Jomolhari Mountain Festival celebrates the natural gifts and the environmental awareness of Bhutan. Celebrated over two days, this festival showcases the wonderful mountain lifestyle. The ‘snow leopard show’ with different folk songs is also impressive again making the locals aware of environmental conservation.