Travel Blog

Jungle Safari Halt in Chitwan National Park

2 Jul 2023 3 min to read

Effective July 1, Jungle Safari Halt in Chitwan National Park (CNP). It has imposed a temporary ban on commercial, commonly referred to as jeep/jungle safaris, within the park. The purpose of this decision is to safeguard the park’s forest tracks from potential damage, prevent the flooding of small streams within the jungle, mitigate road obstructions due to fallen trees, and minimize the risk of human casualties during the monsoon season, which is known for its heavy rainfall. By implementing this ban, CNP aims to protect the park’s natural resources and ensure the safety of both visitors and the park’s ecosystem. The ban will remain in effect until further notice, ensuring that the park’s environment remains undisturbed and secure.

The CNP Administration has issued a notice stating that the ban on commercial jungle drives extends beyond just safari activities and also encompasses other tourism activities such as boating. This temporary suspension of tourism activities within the park is specifically intended to prioritize visitor safety and preserve the park’s natural resources during the monsoon season. By implementing this measure, the authorities aim to minimize potential risks and ensure the well-being of visitors while safeguarding the ecological integrity of Chitwan National Park. The ban serves as a proactive step to mitigate any adverse effects that may arise due to the monsoon’s challenging conditions, thereby fostering a secure and sustainable environment within the park.

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According to Ganesh Prasad Tiwari, the Information Officer of the CNP, before the ban, a total of 65 jeeps had received permission from CNP to conduct jungle drives within the park. These jeeps were distributed as follows: 32 were authorized to operate from Sauraha, 15 from Kasara, 9 from Meghauli, 2 from Ujauli, 5 from Amaltari, and 1 from Madi. This information highlights the significant number of jeeps that were previously engaged in conducting jungle drives, showcasing the popularity of this tourism activity within Chitwan National Park.

As the monsoon season commenced, all tourism activities conducted both within Chitwan National Park and in the river have been temporarily halted. Ganesh Prasad Tiwari elaborated that the management committee overseeing the park’s Buffer zone would be responsible for deciding which specific activities could proceed within the buffer zone community forest. This approach ensures that any activities carried out within the buffer zone align with the committee’s assessment of safety and environmental considerations. By involving the management committee, Chitwan National Park aims to strike a balance between facilitating limited tourism activities and maintaining the protection and well-being of the park’s buffer zone and its natural resources.

Chitwan National Park has implemented a temporary ban on commercial jungle drives and tourism activities during the monsoon season to protect visitors and preserve the park’s natural resources. The ban aims to mitigate risks, prevent environmental damage, and maintain the integrity of the park’s ecosystem.

TAGS: Boating Chitwan National Park Jeep safari Jungle Safari Jungle Safari Halt in Chitwan National Park