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Tibet lies in the core of East Asia covering much of the southern region from mainland China. It is known as the “roof of the world”. With an average elevation of roughly 4400 meters, Tibet is officially the highest Plateau in the world. Mount Everest and the other highest mountains share a border with Nepal and Tibet has several sub-ranges over 6000 meters in Elevation.

Tibet also has the largest freshwater lake complex in the world including over a thousand of them. Most lakes here hold religious significance with the three major ones being Serling Tso, Namtso, and Yamdrok Tso. Some of the major rivers in Asia are believed to be originated in Tibet too. The massive rivers like Brahmaputra and Indus have their sources in the mountains of Tibet. A large section of Southeast Tibet is made up of Meadows and Grasslands providing a unique ecosystem in the mountain-dominated environment.